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Online and Mobile Banking

Easily Manage Your Finances Online

Online Banking gives you easy online access to your accounts, allowing you to manage your account conveniently anytime, anywhere. You can pay bills, review account history, view copies of cleared checks, manage payees, transfer funds, send cash to friends and more; it is easy to control your finances!

Enroll in Online Banking

Quick Rates

Premier Rate 5.00%
Choice Plus 0.10%
Money Market 0.75%

Share Certificate

All Rates Apply Now

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Click "All Rates" for required disclosures.



Easily Manage Your Finances Your Way!

Pay bills, deposit checks, transfer funds, locate a branch or ATM, even apply for a Visa or Vehicle Loan, managing your finances is easy with SharePoint CU’s Mobile Banking app. You can use mobile banking anytime, from anywhere; you are in control of your finances at SharePoint!

Download our FREE mobile app for your device below.

Google Play     App Store

Enrollment requirements.
Must be enrolled in SharePoint CU's Online Banking to use Mobile Banking (Uses same Username and Password). Enroll today for Online Banking access!


beople with boxes

SharePoint Credit Union uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption to communicate securely through all mobile service providers. This blocks unauthorized access and protects your data, no matter how often you access your accounts.


(952) 930-0700 or (800) 752-3494 or email: memberservices@sharepointcu.com

Free, Fast, Convenient & Secure Payments

SharePoint CU’s Bill Pay allows you to pay your bills, schedule payments, send cash to a friend and more. Pay your bills in seconds securely within SharePoint CU’s Online Banking or Mobile Banking. Bill Pay is free with any SharePoint CU Checking account.

Checking account holders can easily add bill payees online through our online banking. Don’t have a checking account?

Learn more



Pay Bills

Review Account Activity

Manage Payees

Transfer Funds

External Transfers

Tools & Resources

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